Scenes From Movies You Might Not Know About

Here's the opening scene from Way of The Gun. You can find this one Netflix. Fair warning the whole movie isn't like this. Actually, this is the only part of the movie you could consider funny. The movie is kind of slow in spots but it has some badass scenes and some great dialogue. Solid 7/10 and a great watch if you have exhausted what Netflix has to offer.

Here's a hilarious scene from Wes Anderson's debut movie: Bottle Rocket. It requires no context and can be enjoyed with no background info. No doubt though you would appreciate it more if you have watched the movie up to this point.

I'm a huge Wes Anderson guy. Rushmore is one of my favorite movies of all time. The Royal Tenenbaums is amazing as is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. If you haven't seen any of these movies than get some f*cking culture in your life and binge watch.

This next video is a compilation of hilarious lines from Seymour Cassel in Beer League. My personal favorite is when he talks to his wife at the 1:43 mark.

2006 was a different time. No way that movie gets made today.
