Sponsor Spotlight: Fade Factory Barbershop

(Keyword to give for Discount on 1st Visit Below)

Yesterday, February 16th, I made my first visit ever to the FadeFactory Shop on Reo Drive in Paradise Hills. Some background:

My friend Carlos "Los" Martinez (friend since high school) is the owner/operator of this shop. He's a super legit barber who has been grinding hard for his family while doing what he loves. He moved up the ranks and has now been running his own shop for roughly a year. I'll go far as to say he has been begging to cut my hair for a decade.

As a curly headed f*ck, my hair is a big part of my game. Throw in my baby blues and you can see why my woman locked me down years ago. So I have always told Los, "only woman are allow to cut these curls," because all my fellow brethren know Curls Are For The Gurls!

Anyways I gave in, and I figured it could make a for a good blog, since I made Fade Factory one of our "sponsors" for 805West Sports (under Support our Supporters tab on homepage).

The Before

Let's face it, good time for me to get a cut anyways. I had an appointment for 10am. Didn't want to be late. Left early to give myself plenty of time, and like a dum dum I went to the wrong location. Whoops, clearly I'm a rookie. Nevertheless, I made it around 10:15am and Los had someone in his chair, had to wait so I gave a look around.

Love the sign. Easy to read for a simpleton like me. I was here for a cut and some facial hair work, so I knew my cost was $25 (plus tip you cheap MFs, duh).

As I mentioned, Los had someone in the chair. It was a young boy who was getting a fresh cut that's definitely going to make the kindergarten girls give double takes on Tuesday. Talk about a family friendly environment, look at the amenities my man provides:

I don't have kids of my own, but my niece (age 5) and nephew (age 3) are all about Paw Patrol. My nephew Seamus got hyped like the Padres won the pennant when me and Tia gave him a Paw Patrol helicopter for his birthday (which is also on Xmas, poor kid). Los clearly knows how to entertain his customers.

I'm Up

Now it was my time in the chair. The kids were gone so what did my man do? Turned on NFL Network which was showing a replay of the NFC Divisional game (MINvsNO); forgot how bad the Vikings wear beating down the Saints in the first half before the worst play by a NFL safety since Marlon McCree. I was also handed a terrific hispanic golden soda to enjoy during my cut. He's clearly attempting to woo me.

Los and I had some great convo like old friends would do. Retelling stories of the previous weeks and hilarious old high school tales. As he was finishing up he dropped a great line: "when your girl gets home today she gonna jump on you bro." Did she? Come on man...gentlemen never tell.

The cut and shave only took about 30 minutes. The other three barbers in the shop all had customers in their chairs, and there were 4 people waiting for cuts, so I'm sure the customers appreciated the efficiency.

The After

I'd totally hook up with want to engage in Padres talk with that guy. I know it doesn't look like Los did a lot with the beard, but this is the most depth and character I've ever had in a beard so we decided on just a clean up. That's what I want in my Barber; have a dialogue so he can make me look sexy AF.

Suffice to say I'll never go anywhere else. Los hooked me up and HE CAN HOOK YOU UP TOO! In your first visit, give him the keyword for $5 off whatever you decide to go with. Like me, you won't be disappointed and you'll find a barber for life.

I'd give a call to make an appointment [(619) 488-4842] because my man stays busy. The shop is open 7 days a week, but Los is there from Monday -Saturday.

Monday-Saturday : 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 10am - 3pm
Keyword = '805 West'

CASH ONLY in the Barber game; there is an ATM onsite but FYI it will charge you $2.50. So be an adult and grab some cash before you show up.

Thanks again Los, you the man I don't care what Chula Bran says about you.


  1. Who is that guy at the end? Certainly can’t be Luke?! Nice transformation 👏

  2. I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. Sports facts


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