Mudcat Goes Anchorman on SD

I'll say what Mudcat couldn't...Go F*ck yourselves San Diego.

Mark Grant gave the haters the Heisman like the girls in Gaslamp give it to East County guys. This is an old and tired debate so my two cents will be brief.

 If you think a broadcaster, doing his job, is jinxing any type of performance out of the field, you are either 1. A child or 2. a Drunk or 3. An adult who brings their glove to the game.

Children believe wild superstitions because its fun and ignorance is bliss. Be nice during the year and Santa will give you presents. Lose a tooth? Put that shit under your bed and BAM you're rich. So if a kid gets upset, I'm okay with it. Sooner or later that kid is gonna grow up and as long as they avoid the next two categories they'll be okay.

A drunk is unpredictable. A drunk yelling at sports broadcasters on TV while drunk is predictable, especially out of anger. Hopefully not too many individuals fell into this category yesterday since it was a day game, but hey no judgement here, we all got problems.

Adults who bring their gloves to the game is a red flag. If that person doesn't even have a child with them, turn that red flag into a red dot on a computer.

Stranger Danger.

Everyone get the f*ck off Mudcat's back, and every other baseball announcer in the world.

I'd like to be on a good sports podcast, or buy a NFL team, but it's not Halloween. Grow up Peter Pan. 
