WTF is Your problem Northwest Territories of Canda

These types of pictures are always fun. I remember when Aztecs FB started off hot last season and had a lot of territory like in the board game Risk. This map shows the most hated teams in 2/3 of North America. Sorrey Mexico, everyone knows Canada like baseball more than you.

When I see the word 'teams' in this map, I am actually thinking of the fans of those teams. Looking through that lens most of the map is what you would think. A lot of hate towards the Yanks and the Beans, because lets face it they probably have some of the most obnoxious fan bases in any sport. The Cards have the dumbest and most racist fans so they are well represented.

California hating the Giants the most makes sense, because LA has a larger population than SD and SF combined. Washington and Texas hate the Angels, sure I buy that.

But I don't know what the Rangers did to the Dakotas because Google didn't find anything after a 15 second search. Maybe Texas hated Fargo. And why does Michigan hate the A's? Who hates the A's at all? Did Billy Bean take a dump on the 50 yard line at The Big House or something?

But most importantly, what the f*ck did we do to you Northwest Territories of Canada? You wanna go brah? Speaking of hating the A's, who actually hates the Padres? We haven't won more than 76 games in a season since 2010, and we're 1-10 our last 11 playoffs games that spans back to the '98 WS. That's right, we have played in 7 playoff games for 20 years. Where is this hate stemming from?

Is it #Padres twitter? Where everyone is a GM or a Buster Olney? I had no idea the citizens of Yellowknife and Fort Simpson had such a firm grasp on technology let alone the thoughts and ideas of Friar keyboard analysts.

Maybe its the weather in America's Finest City. Shit looks bleak in NWTC.

January (°C)
January (°F)

Padres Fans unite!
