How to Sports: Golfing w/ Friends Who Like to Party

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The following pictures and advice stem from my trip to South Africa back in 2010. It was the summer (South Africa's Winter) when the World Cup was hosted by the RSA, and I had a wonderful experience in my seven weeks around the country. Including playing golf at the toughest and most beautiful course I have ever played on: Prince's Grant.

OK lets get this question out of the way: How the f*ck did this happen? Well long story short, my aunt and uncle are international school teachers, and they lived in South Africa for about 15 years. My two cousins spent their years 0-18 living in Kenya, Tunisia, and of course RSA. After graduating college, my amazing mother bought me a plane ticket as a grad present, and I spent 7 weeks going on a safari, visiting Cape Town/Johannesburg/Durban , going to three World Cup Matches, and playing a shit load of golf.

So lets get to it: How to Play Golf with friends who like to party.

Rule 1: Must Always have a Match going

As you can see in the picture at the top, we had 8 players forming two groups. We played a Ryder Cup format: Front Nine was 2 on 2 Alternate Shot, and the back nine was two 1 on 1 matches in each group (2 players from each team in the groups).

This was a tradition my cousin and his friends created, called the "TIA Cup." TIA standing for: This is Africa (a line from Leo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond). Since this was a special World Cup edition, we sported Soccer Jerseys for attire. You already know Cousin jack and I were rocking those USA's.

 Team : The Mud Pelicans 

Left to right: Me, Chris Van Der Merwe, Cousin Jack, Wesley "Wezzo" Petersen
Team: The Swamp Donkeys

Left to right: Martin "Party Marty" Van Der Merwe, Adam Kelly (not related), Not Sure (sorry guy), and Kevin Came

NOTE: Handicaps are important when playing with friends. Sometime I play with guys who are way better than me, sorta of the same, and other times when I have to give my friends 1-2 strokes a hole. I'm around a 8-9 handicap now (not to brag, but during this round I was probably like an 18: broke triple digits ONCE on this course), and I have friends who are scratch golfers and friends who are pumped if they break 100. These teams were split up evenly so we played straight up.

Create some Penalties for Bad Shots

Who remembers those Vuvuzelas? Probably annoying as hell on TV when you were watching the games. I can tell you though at the WC games live, they created an unforgettable atmosphere. But they also were great beer bongs.

Our rule on this day was that any shot that went Out of Bounds, you had to Vuvu Chug. As you can see this rule hit me at some point (probably more than once). On this course, you can literally go OB on every swing. And you wouldn't go looking through the bushes for that ball, because they were filled with all sorts of terrifying wildlife including freaking MAMBA SNAKES.

I wasn't the only victim however:

I have heard other great suggestions such as: any 4-putt on a green, that player buys a round for their playing partners. Another rule: go from bunker to bunker on consecutive shots: that guy buys a round. One of my favorite that Cousin Jack told me: leave an eagle putt short, you must take a tequila shot after the round in the clubhouse. Feel free to comment at the end of your favorite rules for your golf games.

Got to Stay Hydrated

During a long 18 hole match, its important to stay hydrated on those cart rides.

Only way to beat the heat and keep that swing loose. Plus, referring to any beverage as "swinging oil" or "aiming juice" will give you an automatic laugh from those who heard it.

You're Not 'Raving' at the Course: Mix in a Snack

Golfing in South Africa, and a lot of other places abroad, you always stop inside for a little break after 9 holes. I was a big fan of Meat Pies in RSA, f*cking delicious and necessary for mid round meal and/or late night munchies. Of course while you eat, stay hydrated with another beer. However, this may be the only time you can sneak in a water or Gatorade if your friends are assholes, so take advantage if you need to.

I know this isn't a thing in USA, but you can sneak in a hot dog or burger real quick, no BFD.

Take some action shots so people believe you were all about busniess

That's me ripping a drive (OB?) on the signature hole, #15. Look at that f*ckin view from that tee box. I'll never forget that Chula Vista [ see what I did there ;) ]

Cousin Jack, a scratch golfer, rippin' one

Adam Kelly, one of the funniest f*ckers I've ever played with, most likely slicing one to the left.

Wezzo, another scratch, piping that patented Draw

Chris, a legit Semi Pro back then, putting for birdie (lets say). Notice the head straight down while the ball is well on his way. Jason Day type shit.

Party Marty, another scratch and the wildest man I met in RSA

Respect the Game

Always shake hands with opponents after the match is settled. You can rage while you play, but this is GOLF people. Cousin Jack and I got assaulted in the alternate shot match. We lost the match on hole 6 I believe .

Grab Some Post-Round Beverages

The round always ends at the 19th hole. Great place to recap the fun, the bad, and the hilarious.

Always a must. Just be careful of the steps and shrubbery around the clubhouse.

And that's HOW YOU DO IT folks. Please leave comments from your own experiences, fun games, and or rules that you do with your friends!
