Helping you get over the Hump

Man today sucks. Pitchers and catchers reported to Spring Training, and the hottest  only news from Peoria is that Swoon has modified his swing. If you wanted a new glance at it...tough shit. Cassavell asked Hedges some stuff, but:
Hedges wouldn't get into specifics (nor did the Padres take batting practice on a field).

Apparently Eric Hosmer followed some batting cages in North County on IG and may have looked at some condos? My friends who still listen to 1090 said they brought it up. Whoop-de-f*ckin-do.

So here's some fun stuff to help you get through this miserable day:

One of the 1st episodes of IASIP I ever saw. S4 Ep 10 - Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack. Just a fantastic season of one of the best shows ever. I know alot of people say this, but I would win any trivia contest about this show without a doubt. I'm a total nerd on this show.

Old School, on the Mt. Rushmore of Will Ferrell Movies. "Hey Mike" - So simple, but what a line.


One of my all time favorites scenes from one of my all time favorite Movies: Tombstone. Kurt Russell punking a plump Billy Bob Thornton is so epic: "Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens." ...."Are you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed." LOL for days.

So many A++ quotes in this scene. The Big Lebowski is the best movie of all time. Fenton Parkway will fight you if you say otherwise.

Okay friends, now get out there and crush the rest of the day.
