Intro to 805West Sports

Writing about stuff you're passionate about is fun, entertaining, and exciting. Putting your own thoughts and ideas out in the world can be scary, intimidating, and nerve-wrecking.

I've always wanted to write about anything I felt like without restrictions. Not anything anything; I won't be writing about how upsetting it is to run out of toothpaste or why politics is ruining my timeline. But if I want to curse now and then explaining why Ron Fowler is bat-shit crazy for avoiding The Brown or why Aztecs FB should leave the shit show ("Its cop talk, Randy") Mountain West to become an independent, now I have my platform.

This blog will mostly be about the San Diego Sports scene. There will be some comedy attempts at humor mixed in, some movie/TV chatter, along with some takes regarding sports around the country. I mean we only have the Padres from the big 3 sports leagues sooooo...

I'd like to thank James Clark at EVT for giving me my first shot in the blogging world. Idk if I was any good or not, but it was a helpful experience and I am very appreciative. I stopped writing there simply because of my schedule became too hectic. When you try to do a good job it actually takes a lot of time. Who knew?

What I did find out during my Jace Petersen length stint at EVT is that I really enjoy writing. I have had the "if I took a time machine back to high school" talk with myself one time too many. Just recently I remembered about this whole blog-spot blogger thing and here I am.

So read, share, and join in on the discussion. If not then piss off.


  1. Very much enjoyed the site. Needs a "Dad's Page" for a bit more of a pre-millennial/Gen X perspective... just sayin'


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